
【Thur】Unconscious Marketing |【发现与改变】潜意识工作坊III 文化、决策、博弈与潜意识营销

Allie 后英语时代 2019-04-14

Topic / 话题

Have trouble stop purchasing or desiring? Felt manipulated by a consumeristic society?
Interested in ways that culture and society shape us as (un)free persons?
How to gain fast insight into another person by posing a simple philosophical dilemma?
Why do we want what we want? To what extent can psychology help us change our habits?
Join Zao (Allie) to explore the wondrous world of the unconscious. Find out more about how we are shaped by culture, society, consumerism, marketing, decisions, and habits. The workshop will include the construction and influence of culture and society, consumer unconscious, sensory design psychology, culture and cognitive science, philosophical dilemmas, and and the future and limitation of psychology and neuroscience. There will be ample opportunities for fun exercises and interactive learning, e.g. unconscious magic tricks, games and dilemmas, voting, debates, and more. Participants will gain fresh perspectives about self and others as well as lasting insights through group work and game.

The series of Unconscious (Un)Shaping workshop includes 3 sessions that provides people with insights and practices into self understanding and unconscious changes.

Workshop I / 工作坊一 @8.9

The Origin of Unconscious Life原生潜意识

You will learn / 你将收获1. Theories of the unconscious and methods of psychotherapy; 2. Dream interpretation; 3. Family influence and human development; 4. Mechanism of hypnosis.1.潜意识理论和心理咨询方法 2.梦的解析 3. 家庭影响与成长心理 4. 催眠机制。

Workshop II / 工作坊二 @8.16

Personality and Flourishing人格与繁盛人生

You will learn / 你将收获1. Theories of the origin of procrastination, depression, anxiety as well as grit and well-being; 2. Tips of continual growth and flourishing; 3. Importance of multiple intelligences; 4. Work roles and personalities; 5. Chinese indigenous theory of personality and fatalism.1.拖延症、抑郁、焦虑以及坚毅、幸福的源泉 2.持续成长与繁盛人生的心法 3.哪种「商」最重要 4.工作角色与人格理论 5.解析「大师」

Workshop III / 工作坊三 @8.23

Culture, Decisions, Games and Unconscious Marketing文化、决策、博弈与潜意识营销

You will learn / 你将收获1. How culture and society form and influence our unconscious; 2. Consumer unconscious; 3. Sensory psychology; 4. Cognitive science and culture; 4. Philosophical dilemmas; 5. Future and limitation of psychology and neuroscience.1.文化和社会的形成和影响2.消费潜意识3.感官心理4.经济决策5.哲学决策6. 心理学和脑科学的局限与未来

Hold to register / 扫码报名

Wechat for QA / 咨询微信:cutepet2015

After holding the Qrcode, please follow our Public Account, then you will receive message to register.

Attention / 注意事项

Self-introduction & Warming up
Topic sharing & discussion

Please sign up in advance, or pay extra ¥30

Host / 分享人

Zao (Allie) / Public Speaker 
Psychology Ph.D. Student 
Co-Founder of the Unconscious 
Research Institute of Sensory Design
Zao (Allie) studies psychology as a Ph.D. candidate at Yale University. She has been a passionate learner and researcher in psychology for 9 years, and her research has been published in Nature: Human Behavior. She is passionate in spreading psychological knowledge and has held many popular classes and lectures on human development and unconscious behaviors.

Event / 活动信息

Time / 时间
2018/08/23 Thur 7:00pm - 9:00pm
2018/08/23 周四 19:00点 - 21:00点
Fee / 费用
Pay for your own orders
Address / 地址
No. 23, baijiazhuangDongli, Chaoyang, address notified after registration
东三环白家庄东里23号, 具体地址报名后通知

Past Events / 往期活动

What is loneliness? | 孤独是什么?

PET Workshop /PET工作坊

PET Workshop is about sharing knowledge and getting hands-on experience. Every time we invite an experienced expert in a field to share a topic for two hours. By combining knowledge output with hands-on experience, each participant can not only learn knowledge, but also have a positive experience of using knowledge and collecting feedback.
PET工作坊 是一个注重价值分享与动手体验的主题分享活动,每次我们会邀请一位在某一领域的资深专家进行2小时的主题分享,把知识输出与动手体验相结合,让每一位参与者不仅学习到知识,而且获得使用知识并收集反馈的正向体验。
PostEnglishTime 后英语时代An English lovers community, here you can speak English, make friends and share your experiences.一个可以聊英文,交朋友,分享人生经历的英文爱好者社区。PET is a high-quality network of English-speaking Chinese professionals in Beijing, aims to build a high-quality network of locals and expatriates who are seriously interested in engaging with culture exchange, learning different society and people.PET创立于2011年,这里聚集了不同背景与国籍的朋友们,主要是来自于互联网、媒体、金融、法律、地产,政府等企事业的从业者,也有充满梦想的创业者和献身NGO的有志青年,以及充满热情的各大高校的学生,因为大家都放不下【英语】这一共同的爱好,就聚在一起,用英语做一些有趣,又有意义的事情。比如读一本好书,分享一段人生故事,组织各种有趣的社交与户外活动。

